Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hey all, it is me "K"

Hey gang, long time no talk! Niki and I were talking and decided I should give you guys an update! I AM DOING EXCELLENT! Baseball season has begun at our home and I LOVE IT! Nothing better then seeing my two boys having fun on the ball field! I had a great Mother's Day and got the most special gift from Niki, J, Liam and Silas, a wonderful photo book she made on shutterfly. It was 90 pages long, and was filled with stories, poems and photos about our journey, it was perfect! I cried, sobbed and bawled like a baby! I can't stop showing people, and am so thrilled I'll have this for my whole life to help me remember our journey (it already seems like those two sweet little boys were born so LONG ago)!

On Thursday, I got to hang with the boys all afternoon while Niki joined her mom for some time out and about! I LOVED IT! We snuggled, hugged, talked and played. They are two of the sweetest little souls I've ever met and I'm so grateful Niki and J are getting to enjoy them! Many people have, in a round about way, questioned if I "miss" them. Of course I miss them, but under no circumstance do I wish they lived with me or were "mine". I grew these two boys strong so Niki and J could enjoy them their whole lives long! I haven't once regretted my decision or wished it to turn out any differently...our journey has been perfect! When I look at Liam and Silas with their mom and dad I feel bliss! It all happened just as I imagined it and to be quite honest, I feel lucky to have been a part of something so amazing!

I hope this message finds you all content! Enjoy the summer weather and keep smiling!


Anonymous said...


I am soo glad you are doing well, and that you have such an amazing relationship with Niki & her boys.

I wish we could all have super cousins like you in the family.

- Rosalinda
lurker from the PF forums

AnGèLe said...

hi K,
I too am a surrogate, I gave birth 2 weeks ago! The experience really is surreal isnt it! Its so great you get to see the babies! Must really help with the emotional side of post-surrogacy! :) You are all so lucky to have eachother!

Katie said...

That is the sweetest post I've read in a long time.
I think YOUR boys are very lucky to have you, and I think Niki's boys are lucky to have you, too.

Saffy said...

Oh K,
You are so lovely. The tears are welling up in my eyes at your words. Isn't it amazing what some super dooper kindness can do in the world? Ditto what Katie said :)

Rebecca said...

So glad to hear from you K! I am so very happy to hear you are doing well. I too have wondered silently about how you were doing post-delivery. I can imagine it would be hard in some ways to deal with the "separation" from the boys. A lot of people probably don't like to acknowledge that, or talk about it, given the lack of education about what surrogacy truly is. I hope that you are healing well physically and doing well emotionally with the "end" of your part of the journey. As a good friend of Niki's, I can't begin to thank you enough for what you have done for them. It is amazing and has been an incredible blessing to watch you all go through your journey together, and get to hear a little from "the other side" of surrogacy. I am so glad that you have such a close relationship with Niki and J and the it should be, I imagine. Of course, as you said, you knew going in that they weren't "yours"...but you will always have a special bond with them and they with you. I know Niki and J will never ever forget the miraculous gift you gave them. I hope you continue to check in with us and let us know how you're doing via these guest posts. I've enjoyed getting to "know" you!
Take care of you!

Unknown said...

Great update. I can say with honesty that I wish I had a cousin like you!